You are great beyond measure! You were created to live life on purpose, tell your story and make an Impact on other's lives.The I AM...Way (Impact, Action, Mastery) is a personal development and strategy tool to help you to achieve self-mastery so you can make a greater Impact, take Action and achieve Mastery in your life. "The I AM… WAY is a way to discern and live your dreams with consistency, perseverance and victory. Yes, there still is a way to overcome life’s challenges, achieve balance and break through barriers in your life. Life, simply stated, is a series of opportunities or challenges for us to master. God gives each of us a vision and equips us with the blue print for our lives on the inside.""Your life story is written on the inside of you, so I challenge you to discover it, write it and walk it out! You have the opportunity to write your own story, the true story that is based on insight from God, your self-assessment, purpose, goals and vision. Your life story can have an impact on others and help them to overcome obstacles and challenges in life. As you strive to achieve Mastery you should mentor others along the way, especially your successors, your children and the next generation. That is true love – doing unto others what you want others to do unto you!"I can't wait to read your story!Coach Valerie Brown-Baul, MBA"The I AM Lady"
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